

A large portion of Tanzanian agricultural exports (~30%) come from Hanang District. Most of the raw material that crosses the border into Kenya is then processed in Kenya for export. In terms of GDP, this current state of affairs is causing Tanzania to fall behind. To remedy this situation, investment in machinery and other infrastructure will be necessary and very worthwhile for stakeholders.


The region is temperate and benefits from seasonal rainfall and relatively mild temperatures due to moderate elevation. The short rain season begins in October and ends in December and the long rainy season starts in January and ends in May with a dry spell usually occurring in February.


Beans, Cassava, Maize, Sorghum, Peas, Sweet Potatoes, Onions, Garlic, Coffee, Millet, and Sunflower are all commonly grown by small-scale farmers in the area. 

The Manyara region is known for its fertile soils and diversity of environments that allow for a wide variety of crops to flourish. The largest contributors to the agricultural output of the region are wheat and sunflower, which are both highly valuable commodities across the continent. It is estimated that around 30% of all food consumed in Kenya is produced in the Manyara region of Tanzania.

Investment Opportunities

Sunflower oil pressing machine

Peanut butter grinding machine

Grain milling machines <Imara Tech Hyperlink>

Local maize milling facilities 

Food production and packaging (bread)


The keeping and breeding of livestock is a major economic activity in Hanang, with a majority of activity being conducted by smallholders using traditional methods and breeds. The Barbaig and Iraqw people are especially dependant on livestock for their survival and focused on the accrual of larger herds in order to gain power and respect in society. Investment opportunities in the industry are plentiful and include the introduction of foreign breeds as well as the production and distribution of animal feeds. A variety of high-value materials are derived from livestock including meat, dairy, leather, and wool. 

Cows, sheep, goats, and chickens are all very widespread in the region.

Investment Opportunities

Meat processing (Abattoir – Slaughterhouse)

Dairy processing (Yogurt, Cheese)

Leather Tannery

Wool Processing