


The Barabaig are Nilotic descended semi-nomadic pastoralists who have now largely settled in the Hanang plains around Lake Balanga. Their unique and interesting cultural traditions can be witnessed on a truly authentic cultural tour via our tour operating partner. If you would like to learn more about the history, lifestyle, and culture of the Barabaig people, visit <>.


The Iraqw people have settled in the north-central area of Tanzania South of Ngorongoro along the wall of the Great Rift Valley. They are thought to have originally descended from Asiatic peoples but have significantly mixed with local populations over the millennia. Their language is classified in the Cushitic group and their slim appearance is said to resemble other Cushitic groups in the Ethiopian highlands. Our tour operators also offer cultural experiences with real Iraqw families, so visitors can understand the reality of traditional life for these interesting and beautiful people.

Kondoa Rock Art

Perhaps the best-kept secret in Tanzania, the ancient cave artwork in Kondoa is a must-see. Over 150 different rock art sites are spread over a 2,336-kilometer area, and local people still visit many of the sites to perform animist and cosmological rituals. Classified as a UNESCO world heritage site in 2006, the Kondoa site represents an important link between our ancient human ancestors and their modern-day descendants.