
Significant mineral reserves have been identified in the region and have been largely undeveloped to the present day. Phosphate and gold are among the most widespread and lucrative materials currently being unearthed from the area. 

The collection of soda from the lake of Gendabi is used to produce a variety of high-value products ranging from table salt to Phosphate based fertilizer. Unfortunately, the table salt collection process has been disrupted in Gendabi this year (2021) due to unusual flooding likely brought on by climate change. Phosphate processing can still reliably take place.   

Investment Opportunities

Fertilizer production from phosphates in Minjingu, Yara, and Engaruka

Establishing a caustic soda processing plant in Engaruka is outlined by the Tanzania Investment center as a key investment opportunity that will generate tremendous value for stakeholders. 


Table salt production in the village of Gendabi is a major employer of local people in the area and has taken place for generations. Recently, efforts have been made at the request of the local minister of energy and minerals Mr. Wlliam Ngeleja to modernize traditional practices in order to increase production efficiency to increase wages for the more than 500 local workers.

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